Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It's warm now...

...but snow will come again soon. :)

This is a repeat of the email I sent before we got the heavy snow last week.


If we do get the heavy snow predicted and we still have school, PLEASE make sure your child is dressed appropriately. We will let the children out for recess if the temperature outside is above 15 degrees and the snow is not too wet and heavy. The children's safety if our first priority.

Should we have outdoor recess, children will be allowed to play in the snow if they have on the following:

- snowpants
- snowboots
- gloves/mittens

If your child is going to play in the snow, please make sure they have an additional change of clothing in their backpacks in case they get wet. Sitting in cold, wet/damp clothing makes for uncomfortable children. (Translation: Lots of complaining! :) )


Thanks for helping your child be prepared and comfortable for snow days at school!

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