Thursday, November 5, 2009


After a two-day hiatus from school - the children were bubbling with excitement about our Fall Harvest Day!  It was a fast and furious 6- hours - but in the end, the children had a ball.  They had the opportunity to write scary ghost stories, graph how well their ghosts could spin, and learn how to 'tell a story' without using words by creating a glyph. 

Our first luncheon was a success.  It was a simple meal, though what could be better than food and friends?  My heartfelt thanks to all the families who were able to contribute money or food items for the good of the cause.  We had happy children will full bellies.  It was a lovely time!

Lastly, a HUGE thank you for all the parents who were able to come in to help throughout the day.  I appreciate all of your support!  Your help enables us to have many fun adventures at school!

Who are these people?!?!'s a beautiful thing. :)

Let's not talk about that cheese...

She's the reigning pretzel queen!

Happy, healthy kids play 'Musical Chairs'!

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