Friday, November 6, 2009

Is it really going to be in the mid-70's today?!?

Whew! I thought we had such wild weather in October - but November is proving to be just as crazy.  The children and I have had to have a number of conversations about how the temperature outside can have an effect on our behaviors.  (You would have thought Spring Fever hit our room the other day!)  I say enjoy it now.  We'll be complaining that it's too cold soon enough.

- MCGRAW ABSENCE LINE PHONE NUMBER HAS CHANGED...The new number is 970.488.8336.  Please make a note of this.  Please remember to call in your child's absences & tardies.

- ROTARY READ FORMS DUE NEXT WEDNESDAY, 11/11…This is an OPTIONAL activity. Forms were sent home last week. Children who return their forms are eligible for gift certificates to Barnes & Noble or Reader’s Cove. The Rotary Club sponsors many great programs for children – I’d love to show our support!

- CALENDAR & READING LOG…Please make sure your child’s calendar (which serves as our reading log, as well) remains in their Homework Folder for the entire month. Your child is encouraged to write the number of minutes they read in the corresponding box on the calendar. There are no restrictions on what type (i.e. oral, silent) of reading counts. We will collect these on the last day of each month.

- RETELLING VS. SUMMARIZING…This is a district-wide focus to help strengthen reading comprehension. You can help your child at home by asking them to retell OR summarize a story, passage, or article you read together. Additional information will be sent home soon.

        - RETELLING: A strong retelling basically tells the story from start to finish. These usually give LOTS of details. Retellings occur in sequential order.

        -SUMMARIZING: These are often shorter in length – a strong summary includes: the beginning/middle/end. Summarizing also occurs in sequential order.

- IB PLANNERS - F.O.R.T. & FORT COLLINS' HISTORY…We are in the final stages of our planner on FORT (Families, Organization, Rules, Togetherness) and moving into a favorite – Fort Collins’ History! These two planners are truly interactive, as we take LOTS of field trips as part of the learning experience. We will break from History in January to do ‘Happy Healthy Kids’ – then resume again for the month of February.

     F.O.R.T.  (Families Organization Rules Togetherness)
     Central Idea: People create organizing systems within a community.
     Key Concepts: function, causation, responsibility
     Lines of inquiry:
                  •the reasons people form communities
                  •the need for laws and rules
                  •areas for citizens to live and work

    Central Idea: Communities develop over time.
    Key Concepts: causation, change, connection, perspective
    Lines of inquiry:
                 •a study of a local community
                 •similarities and differences of two communities
                 •changes in the natural environment of a community

If you have an interest in our planners - and have a lesson or activity you'd like to share, please let me know!  We'd love to have our own family 'experts' come in to share their knowledge with us.

I hope you all have a terrific weekend.  Enjoy the lovely temperatures! :)

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