Monday, January 18, 2010


ENGAGING in an activity is far better than passively learning a new concept.  Here we are making our tetrahedron kites in conjunction with our unit on 2-D & 3-D shapes.  Our focus was not only understanding the differences between 2-D and 3-D - but to focus in on the academic vocabulary of Geometry.  Our tetrahedron kites provided us ample opportunity to acquire new vocabulary words and APPLY them to our learning.

Here we are blowing the wrapper off of our straws. 
We were allowed to do this ONE TIME - just to get it out of our systems.

A sample of vocabulary we used to create our tetrahedrons:
  • line segments
  • polygons
  • non-polygon
  • 2-dimensional
  • plane figure
  • equilateral triangle
  • rhombus
  • 3-dimensional
  • space figure
  • polyhedron
  • tetrahedron
  • acute angle
  • obtuse angle
  • right angle
  • vertex
  • vertice
  • sides/faces/planes
  • triangular prism 

We started with a simple line segment.


The frame of our tetrahedron!


Tissue paper represented the faces/planes of our 3-D models.

Each friend made 4 individual tetrahedrons. 
We decided to connect our individual kites together to make a larger tetrahedron.

Mrs. Carey challenged us to 'do the math' to determine how many tetrahedrons we would need to create a monster class tetrahedron kite.  We figured it out - and hung it up in our classroom.

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