Monday, January 18, 2010


Where the air smells sweet...
         The homes are edible...
And the citizens who live there know what it means to have a good time!

Our summative assessment for our FORT planner (Families Organization Rules Togetherness) was to create our own community.  We created a graham cracker community that had the five areas most common in a community - rural, recreational, residential, commercial, and  industrial.

Fort Carey was designed according to the placement of the river.  We learned that communities are dependent upon a water source.  Fort Carey had all the amenities of a 'Choice City' - a hair salon, bakery, museum, zoo, mountains to hike & bike, police station, and shoe factory.

Many thanks to all the parent volunteers who came in to help with our graham cracker community - and a heartfelt thank you to everyone who donated the items we needed to create our masterpieces!

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